New Pixience Cloud catalog, enhance your analysis!

Explore new dimensions in your studies with Pixience Cloud, a revolutionary web platform. Our new cloud catalog is now available. Enhance your analyses with customized expert treatments, optimize your budget with our pay-per-image model, and discover exclusive measurements and illustrations. Here are a few examples of the new analyses we offer.

cloud catalog


Rosacea severity

Rosacea is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition that most often affects the face. Small blood vessels, characteristic of spider veins, are often visible in the affected areas, associated with telangiectasias. So there are various treatments that can relieve the signs and symptoms of rosacea.

Using cutting-edge line detection algorithms, we detect the most visible vessels on the skin’s surface. We then produce two different measurements: the total length of vessels detected (in mm) and the cumulative surface area of these vessels (in mm) as a means of expressing skin quality. It is advisable to also measure the overall redness of the area (with an erythema index). Illustrations are provided to show the location of vessels detected as a red overlay on the original images.

This analysis can prove the efficacy of your products’ anti-couperose agents, or the effectiveness of laser treatments.


Amount of pollution particles

In the big city, skin is constantly under attack from pollen, dust, cigarette smoke and pollution. The result is wrinkles, clogged pores and dehydrated skin. To protect it, many skin care products act like urban shields, preventing particles from adhering to the skin.

The C-Cube, with its patented chromatic calibration, generates precise and reproducible color measurements. This precision, combined with specialized image processing, allows the C-Cube to distinguish itself in the detection and measurement of pollution particles. Our advanced scientific approach, based on automatic image processing, ensures accurate identification of contaminants.

The results of this methodology are therefore materialized in the form of processed images highlighting particle detection. In addition, a detailed spreadsheet is generated, providing a precise percentage of the surface area impacted by pollution over the entire study area. Give yourself exceptional analytical clarity by exploring the potential of the C-Cube.

This analysis is used, for example, to prove the following product claims: anti-pollution, detoxifying, anti-oxidant, cleansing.


3D pores analysis

The skin’s pores are responsible for the flow of sebum and sweat. Their size and concentration vary according to the area of the body. Many cosmetic products aim to act on pore size, as dilated or enlarged pores give the skin an irregular, rough appearance.

Our expertise lies in our ability to accurately detect, count and measure pores. With our 3D analysis, we add an extra dimension by assessing their depth. In fact, this three-dimensional approach improves detection sensitivity, enabling a more accurate assessment of their depth and possible filling.

Moreover, pore analysis is an essential tool in evaluating the effectiveness of your products dedicated to reducing pore size and refining skin texture. By handing over your images to us, you’ll benefit from in-depth analysis and unprecedented rendering, enabling you to optimize the development of your products. This scientific approach provides a rigorous perspective from which to highlight and accurately document the exceptional results achieved. Tell us about your images, and we’ll provide a rigorous, scientific analysis to strengthen your position in dermocosmetic research and development.

These analyses are simply examples of the possibilities offered by our outsourcing services. However, you can outsource any type of analysis (color, redness, texture, pigmentation…). Contact us if you would like to receive our Cloud catalog.